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EM Quick Hits 59 Traumatic Coronary Artery Dissection, Proper Use of Insulin, Mesenteric Ischemia, Exercise Associated Hyponatremia, AI for OMI

On this month's EM Quick Hits podcast: Ian Chernoff on the often elusive diagnosis of traumatic coronary artery dissection, Anand Swaminathan on proper use of insulin in DKA and in hyperkalemia, Brit Long and Hans Rosenberg on mesenteric ischemia pearls and pitfalls in diagnosis and management, Dave Jerome on recognition and management exercise-associated hyponatremia and heat illness and Jesse McLaren on the Queen of Hearts AI model in helping identify occlusion MI on ECG... Help Support EM Cases by Giving a Donation here:

EM Quick Hits 46 – Wilderness Medicine, Bowel Prep Hyponatremia, Non-Convulsive Status Epilepticus, Morel Lavallee Lesions, Pacemaker ECGs, Loans vs Investing

In this EM Quick Hits podcast: Justin Hensley and Aaron Billin on Wilderness Medicine, Elisha Targonsky on Bowel Prep Hyponatremia, Brit Long on Non-Convulsive Status Epilepticus, Andrew Petrosoniak on Morel Lavallee Lesions, Jesse McLaren on Pacemaker ECGs and Matt Poyner on paying off loans vs investing...

CritCases 10 Hyponatremia Associated Seizures

In this EM Cases CritCases blog - a collaboration between STARS Air Ambulance Service, Mike Betzner and EM Cases, a middle aged woman presents to a rural ED with headache and vomiting, normal vital signs with subsequent status epilepticus and serum sodium of 110 mmol/L. What management recommendations would you make to the rural ED physician, the transport team and in your ED with regards to treatment of seizures, safe correction of hyponatremia, airway management, search for underlying cause and prevention of Osmotic Demyelenation Syndrome?

New Rapid Reviews Videos on IV Iron & Hyponatremia

Two classic EM Cases main episode podcasts, IV Iron for Anemia in EM with Jeannie Callum and Walter Himmel, and Emergency Management of Hyponatremia with Melanie Baimel and Ed Etchells are covered in the latest Rapid Reviews Videos by Taryn Lloyd and Nick Clarridge. Dr. Lloyd reviews how to avoid needless blood transfusions, the indications for IV iron and how to actually administer IV iron, while Dr. Clarridge reviews a novel approach, causes, complications and management of hyponatremia in the ED...

Episode 60: Emergency Management of Hyponatremia

In this EM Cases episode Dr. Melanie Baimel and Dr. Ed Etchells discuss a simple and practical step-wise approach to the emergency management of hyponatremia: 1. Assess and treat neurologic emergencies related to hyponatremia with hypertonic saline 2. Defend the intravascular volume 3. Prevent further exacerbation of hyponatremia 4. Prevent rapid overcorrection 5. Ascertain a cause Dr. Etchells and Dr. Baimel answer questions such as: What are the indications for giving DDAVP in the emergency management of hyponatremia? What is a simple and practical approach to determining the cause of hyponatremia in the ED? How fast should we aim to correct hyponatremia? What is the best fluid for resuscitating the patient in shock who has a low serum sodium? Why is the management of the marathon runner with hyponatremia counter-intuitive? What strategies can we employ to minimize the risk of Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome (OSD) and cerebral edema in the emergency management of hyponatremia? and many more...

Best Case Ever 33: Over-correction of Hyponatremia

Rapid over-correction of Hyponatremia can have devastating consequences: for one, osmotic demyelination syndrome (ODS) can result in destruction of the pons and a locked-in state. We don't see ODS very much as it's onset is delayed and usually sets in after the patient is admitted to hospital (or worse, sent home). Nonetheless, we need to know how to manage Hyponatremia in the ED so that we prevent ODS from ever happening. In this Best Case Ever, Dr. Melanie Baimel describes the case of a young woman who came in to the ED after drinking alcohol and taking Ecstasy, wanted to leave AMA after her Hyponatremia had inadvertently been corrected too rapidly, and the conundrum that ensues. In the upcoming episode, Dr. Baimel and the first ever Internal Medicine specialist on EM Cases, Dr. Ed Etchels, discuss a rational step-wise approach to managing Hyponatremia, tailored for the EM practitioner; when you might consider giving DDAVP in the ED, the best way to correct Hyponatremia, how to manage the patient who's Hyponatremia has been corrected too quickly, and an easy approach to the differential diagnosis. Get a sneak peak at the algorithm that will be explained and reviewed in the upcoming episode...... [wpfilebase tag=file id=577 tpl=emc-play /] [wpfilebase tag=file id=578 tpl=emc-mp3 /]

Ep 195 Management of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

Once the diagnosis of nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) has been made, our job is not done. Mortality in SAH patients can be up to 30% even without neurological deficit. Paying attention to the time-sensitive details of ED management of SAH patients can have a significant impact on their outcome. In this second part of our 2-part podcast series on subarachnoid hemorrhage with Dr. Katie Lin and Dr. Jeff Perry we answer questions such as: what are the 4 critical priorities in the initial stabilization of the patient with a suspected massive subarachnoid hemorrhage? When is a CT plus CTA of the head indicated up front in the management of patients with suspected subarachnoid hemorrhage? What is the evidence for oral nimodipine in improving outcomes in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage and how does it work? What can we do in the ED to prevent rebleeding in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage? What are the simplest and best prognostic tools available for spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage to help counsel families and patients? and more...

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