Best Case Ever is a 5-20 minute podcast where an Emergency Medicine Cases guest expert describes a practice changing case, what they learned from it, and clinical pearls and pitfalls you can use on your next shift. Tacit knowledge sharing at it’s best.
EM Quick Hits 47 HFNC, Dissection Drugs, ADJUST-UNLIKELY for PE, Antibiotic Course Duration, Skin Glue Hacks, ESP Block, Learner Oversight
In this month's EM Quick Hits podcast: Anand Swaminathan on 3-pronged approach to aortic dissection management, Jonathan Wallace on rural practice tips for glue removal and ESP block for renal colic, Sara Gray on everything you need to know about High Flow Nasal Cannula but were afraid to ask, Maria Ivankovic on reducing the duration of antibiotic therapy for uncomplicated common bacterial infections, Tahara Bhate on handover and learner oversight on QI corner and Kerstin De Wit on the ADJUST-UNLIKELY tool for pulmonary embolism...
BCE 82 Perimortem C-section – The Resuscitative Hysterotomy
In this EM Cases Best Case Ever podcast, Dr. Kari Sampsel, Emergency Physician at Ottawa Hospital and Assistant Professor at University of Ottawa, Medical Director of Sexual Assault and Partner Abuse Care Program guides us through an example of a perimortem C-section - a resuscitative hysterotomy at Janus General. She and Rajiv discuss preparation, indications, the procedure, team dynamics and debriefing for this HALO procedure...
BCE 81 Tension Hydrothorax
Tension hydrothorax is a massive pleural effusion presenting with hemodynamic abnormalities secondary to mediastinal compression. Dr. Allan Shefrin tells his Best Case Ever of a child who presents in shock and discusses the causes of tension hydrothorax, indications for tube thoracostomy for hydrothorax and integration of POCUS into pediatric resuscitation.
BCE 80 Pediatric Respiratory Failure
In this EM Cases Best Case Ever podcast Rajiv interviews Dr. Eric Russell, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the Baylor College of Medicine, Pediatric Emergency Medicine attending physician at the Texas Children's Hospital, and editor at the Human Diagnosis Project. They discuss a challenging case of a pediatric patient who presents with what at first appears to be bronchiolitis...
BCE 79 Pediatric UTI – Choosing Wisely
In anticipation of EM Cases Episode 123 Pediatric UTI Myths and Misconceptions, Dr. Olivia Ostrow, Pediatric Emergency Physician at Hospital for Sick Children, Assistant professor at the University of Toronto and a Medical Safety Leader with an academic focus in quality improvement, discusses a case that exemplifies how indiscriminate work up of pediatric UTI can lead to over-testing, over-treating and even worse outcomes...
BCE 78 Traumatic Cardiac Arrest
In anticipation of EM Cases Episode 118 Trauma: The First and Last 15 minutes with Andrew Petrosoniak, Kylie Bosman and Chris Hicks we have Joe Nemeth, Trauma Fellowship Director at Montreal General and Associate Professor at both McGill University and University of Toronto discussing his Best Case Ever of a teenager who was "stabbed in the box". Rajiv and Joe discuss preparation for trauma, the role of POCUS in predicting survival in traumatic cardiac arrest, the HOTT mnemonic for reversible causes of trauma arrest and more...