Emergency Medicine Cases2024-03-13T08:42:04-04:00

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EM Quick Hits 61 TEE in Cardiac Arrest, Nebulized Ketamine, Cellulitis Update, SQ Insulin for DKA, Medicolegal DDx Documentation Tips

On this month's EM Quick Hits podcast: Ross Prager on TEE in cardiac arrest, Justin Morgenstern on nebulized ketamine for analgesia in the ED, Hans Rosenberg & Krishin Yadav on standardizing cellulitis management, Mathew McArther on latest studies on subcutaneous insulin protocols in DKA, Jennifer C. Tang on documenting differential diagnoses medicolegal tips...

ECG Cases 52 – The Art of Occlusion MI, part 1: Mirror Image

In this month's ECG Cases Jesse McLaren takes us through 6 cases highlighting important mirror concepts in ECG interpretation including: which leads are reciprocal to each other, how to identify which is the main ST/T change and which is the mirror, reciprocal changes highlighting subtle inferior, lateral and posterior OMI, ST elevation in aVR as a mirror to widespread ST depression and more...

Ep 199 Trauma Airway and Airway Trauma

In this EM Cases main episode podcast, we tackle the complexities of trauma airway management, including direct trauma to the airway. We discuss indications and timing of intubation, penetrating neck trauma, the head injured patient, the agitated patients and the soiled airway. The critical question is: when should we deviate from, delay or modify RSI, and how do we navigate the unique challenges presented by trauma airways and airway trauma? Dr. George Kovacs and Dr. Andrew Petroniak answer this and other questions such as: how should we re-sequence the trauma resuscitation depending on immediate life-threats? When is immediate vs delayed intubation recommended? How useful are the Zones of the neck in penetrating neck trauma? What is the optimal dosing of airway medications in the sick trauma patient? How should we modify our airway strategy for the severely head injured patient and/or agitated patient? When should we consider ketamine facilitated fiberoptic intubation in the trauma patient? and many more... Please consider a donation to EM Cases to ensure ongoing Free Open Access Medical Education here: https://emergencymedicinecases.com/donation/

EM Quick Hits 60 Post-Tonsillectomy Hemorrhage, Post-CABG Infections, Bougie Tips, Pelvic Fracture Bleeds, Debriefing: Why, When & How

On this month's EM Quick Hits podcast: Kevin Wasko on post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage management, Brit Long on assessment and management of post-CABG surgical incision infections, Anand Swaminathan on evidence, pitfalls and tips on using Bougies, Leah Flannigan on when to suspect vascular injury in patients with low energy mechanism pelvic fractures, Andrew Petrosoniak on debriefing after cases: why, when and how... Do you learn a lot from EM Cases? Please consider a donation to ensure EM Cases continues to provide you high quality Free Open Access Medical Education here: https://emergencymedicinecases.com/donation/

Ep 198 Understanding and Improving Culture in Emergency Medicine: Key Insights

In this EM Cases podcast Anton chats with Dr. Peter Brindley and Dr. Leon Byker who have a deep interest in the Culture of Medicine to explore what culture in medicine is, why culture is so important, and then drive home 10 strategies to improving the culture in our departments emphasizing the importance of human connection, empathy, open communication, and a willingness to learn from mistakes in creating a positive and fulfilling work environment, so that we love our work, we love our department, we love taking care of our patients and our patients have better outcomes... Support EM Cases and Free Open Access Medical Education by making a donation now: https://emergencymedicinecases.com/donation/

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