The neonatal lazy feeder is a fairly common EM presentation. On this EM Cases Best Case Ever Dr. Anthony Crocco, the Division Head of Pediatric EM at McMaster University and Medical Director of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at Hamilton Health Sciences Hosptial, discusses an approach to the neonatal lazy feeder and why we should abandon the use of codeine in pediatrics as well as in emergency management of pediatric seizuresbreastfeeding mothers. The approach to the neonatal lazy feeder should be considered as an approach to altered level of awareness with a wide differential diagnosis, and there is one question that should always be asked of the neontal lazy feeder….

Published June 2015

References & Other Resources on the use of Codeine in Children

Review article on Codeine in Pediatrics

And Ryan Radecki’s analysis of ‘More Codeine Fatalities After Tonsillectomy in North American Children’ in Pediatrics on EM Literature of Note

Dr. Helman & Dr. Crocco have no conflicts of interest to declare