BEEM Cases 1 – Pediatric Minor Head Injury
Dr. Andrew Worster and the BEEM (Best Evidence in Emergency Medicine) group from McMaster University has teamed up with EM Cases, Justin Morgenstern (@First10EM) and Rory Spiegel (@EMNerd_) to bring you a blog that blends the BEEM critical appraisals in a case-based, interactive, practice-changing format. In each post we choose the most important literature on a given topic and run through a case, learning how to apply evidence based medicine to our practice. Welcome to BEEM Cases! And here's BEEM Cases 1 - Pediatric Minor Head Injury... Written by Justin Morgenstern (@First10EM), edited by Anton Helman (@EMCases), adapted from the BEEM Course, Jan 2016 Pediatric Minor Head Injury - Decision Rules, Isolated LOC & Strict Rest The Case... With seconds left in the game, Melissa, an 11 year old girl, drives hard to the basket for a layup. She gets knocked to the ground, and doesn’t see the winning shot pass through the net, because it appeared as though she briefly lost consciousness. She quickly gets back up and celebrates with her friends, but after the celebrations, her parents bring her to your community emergency department to get checked. You confirm that she [...]