EM Cases Top 10 Best of 2024
Based on a blend of number of listens, views, feedback from listeners, website traffic and personal faves, EM Cases Top 10 Best of 2024 podcasts, videos and blog posts...
Based on a blend of number of listens, views, feedback from listeners, website traffic and personal faves, EM Cases Top 10 Best of 2024 podcasts, videos and blog posts...
Once the diagnosis of nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) has been made, our job is not done. Mortality in SAH patients can be up to 30% even without neurological deficit. Paying attention to the time-sensitive details of ED management of SAH patients can have a significant impact on their outcome. In this second part of our 2-part podcast series on subarachnoid hemorrhage with Dr. Katie Lin and Dr. Jeff Perry we answer questions such as: what are the 4 critical priorities in the initial stabilization of the patient with a suspected massive subarachnoid hemorrhage? When is a CT plus CTA of the head indicated up front in the management of patients with suspected subarachnoid hemorrhage? What is the evidence for oral nimodipine in improving outcomes in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage and how does it work? What can we do in the ED to prevent rebleeding in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage? What are the simplest and best prognostic tools available for spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage to help counsel families and patients? and more...
Anton is joined by the world's leading EM researcher in subarachnoid hemorrhage diagnosis Dr. Jeff Perry and EM-Stroke team clinician Dr. Katie Lin for a deep dive into why we still miss this life-threatening diagnosis, the key clinical clues, proper use of decision tools, indications for CT, indications for CTA, indications for LP and CSF interpretation for the sometimes elusive diagnosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage... Help support EM Cases by making a donation: https://emergencymedicinecases.com/donation/
With the help of a special guest, EBM guru Dr. Ken Milne of the The SGEM, Anton and Justin look at all the various potential indications for TXA and review the available evidence. Should we be using TXA for epistaxis, postpartum hemorrhage, hyphema or hemoptysis? Is it a miracle drug that stops all bleeding? Or has it been drastically overhyped? Was CRASH-2 enough to be definitive, or does the classic EBM mantra of "we need more studies" remain true?...
Anand Swaminathan on airway management in angioedema, Jeff Perry on Ottawa subarachnoid hemorrhage rule and 6hr CT rule, Hania Bielawska on ED breastfeeding myths and misconceptions, Brit Long on neurologic associations with COVID-19, Justin Hensley on management of spider bites and Hans Rosenberg & Heather Murray on management of skin abscesses...