Episode 29b: Hand Emergencies Part 2
Part 2 of Hand Emergencies with Dr. Laura Tate & Dr. Andrew Arcand.
Part 2 of Hand Emergencies with Dr. Laura Tate & Dr. Andrew Arcand.
Dr. Andrew Arcand & Dr. Laura Tate discuss the key clinical pearls and pitfalls in the recognition and management of many apparently benign hand emergencies that have serious morbidity, including high pressure injection injuries, flexor tenosynovitis, gamekeeper's thumb, fight bites, hook of the hammate fractures and many more important hand emergencies. Dr. Tate & Arcand answer such questions as: which lacerations require prophylactic antibiotics? Which hand lacerations do not require sutures? How is rotational deformity best tested for metacarpal fractures? What are the pearls of tendon repair? How do you test for instability when you suspect a Gamekeeper's thumb? How is compartment syndrome of the hand different to compartment syndrome in the leg? What are Kanavel's signs of tenosynovitis? How should felons be managed in the ED? What are the most common errors that plastic surgeons see ED docs make?
Dr. Laura Tate, plastic surgeon extraordinaire, presents her best hand emergency case. In the upcoming episode, she and Dr. Andrew Arcand will discuss key pearls and pitfalls in the recognition and management of flexor tenosynovitis, high pressure injection injuries, fight bites, hook of the hammate fractures, gamekeeper's thumb and many more potentially devastating hand emergencies.