EM Quick Hits 50 Normal Unenhanced CT Renal Colic DDx, Perichondritis, Magnesium in Pediatric Asthma, Steroids for Pneumonia, OMI Cath Lab Activation

On this month's EM Quick Hits podcast David Carr on differential diagnosis of normal unenhanced CT renal colic, Leeor Sommer on recognition and management of perichondritis and auricular abscess, Suzanne Schuh on IV magnesium sulphate for pediatric asthma, Jess McLaren on Occlusion MI ECG interpretation requiring cath lab activation and Justin Morgenstern on update on steroids for pneumonia... Please support EM Cases with a donation: https://emergencymedicinecases.com/donation/

Journal Jam 17 – Steroids for CAP and COVID Pneumonia

What are the indications for steroids in patients with pneumonia besides those with concurrent COPD exacerbations, ARDS or adrenal shock? What is the evidence for benefit for steroids in CAP, the flu and COVID pneumonia? And if there is benefit, do those benefits outweigh the potential harms? To help us sort this out, Justin and Anton have the mighty return of a special guest - Dr. Andrew Morris in this Journal Jam podcast...

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