cardiology emergency medicine

EM Quick Hits 61 TEE in Cardiac Arrest, Nebulized Ketamine, Cellulitis Update, SQ Insulin for DKA, Medicolegal DDx Documentation Tips

On this month's EM Quick Hits podcast: Ross Prager on TEE in cardiac arrest, Justin Morgenstern on nebulized ketamine for analgesia in the ED, Hans Rosenberg & Krishin Yadav on standardizing cellulitis management, Mathew McArther on latest studies on subcutaneous insulin protocols in DKA, Jennifer C. Tang on documenting differential diagnoses medicolegal tips...

ECG Cases 52 – The Art of Occlusion MI, part 1: Mirror Image

In this month's ECG Cases Jesse McLaren takes us through 6 cases highlighting important mirror concepts in ECG interpretation including: which leads are reciprocal to each other, how to identify which is the main ST/T change and which is the mirror, reciprocal changes highlighting subtle inferior, lateral and posterior OMI, ST elevation in aVR as a mirror to widespread ST depression and more...

EM Quick Hits 60 Post-Tonsillectomy Hemorrhage, Post-CABG Infections, Bougie Tips, Pelvic Fracture Bleeds, Debriefing: Why, When & How

On this month's EM Quick Hits podcast: Kevin Wasko on post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage management, Brit Long on assessment and management of post-CABG surgical incision infections, Anand Swaminathan on evidence, pitfalls and tips on using Bougies, Leah Flannigan on when to suspect vascular injury in patients with low energy mechanism pelvic fractures, Andrew Petrosoniak on debriefing after cases: why, when and how... Do you learn a lot from EM Cases? Please consider a donation to ensure EM Cases continues to provide you high quality Free Open Access Medical Education here:

ECG Cases 51 – ECGs falsely labeled “normal”

In this ECG Cases Dr. Jesse McLaren outlines why not to trust the ECG interpretation, even if normal, because it can miss critical findings. He explores how to independently and systematically interpret every ECG so that when the computer ECG interpretation says "normal" you don't miss key findings... Please consider donating to EM Cases to ensure it stays Free Open Access

EM Quick Hits 59 Traumatic Coronary Artery Dissection, Proper Use of Insulin, Mesenteric Ischemia, Exercise Associated Hyponatremia, AI for OMI

On this month's EM Quick Hits podcast: Ian Chernoff on the often elusive diagnosis of traumatic coronary artery dissection, Anand Swaminathan on proper use of insulin in DKA and in hyperkalemia, Brit Long and Hans Rosenberg on mesenteric ischemia pearls and pitfalls in diagnosis and management, Dave Jerome on recognition and management exercise-associated hyponatremia and heat illness and Jesse McLaren on the Queen of Hearts AI model in helping identify occlusion MI on ECG... Help Support EM Cases by Giving a Donation here:

Ep 197 Acute Heart Failure Risk Stratification and Disposition

We over-admit low risk acute heart failure patients and under-admit high risk heart failure patients. In this podcast we discuss the diagnostic accuracy of various clinical features, lab tests and imaging modalities for acute heart failure, the 3 validated risk stratification tools and a simple approach to PoCUS for the diagnosis and prognostication of acute heart failure in the ED to improve our diagnostic accuracy and disposition decisions for patients with acute heart failure... Help Support EM Cases by Giving a Donation here:

ECG Cases 51 – Artifact and Lead Misplacement

ECG artifact and lead reversal can mimic tachy-arrhythmia, infarct or Brugada. Learn how to identify these errors to prevent misdiagnosis on this month's ECG Cases with Dr. Jesse McLaren... Help Support EM Cases by Giving a Donation here:

EM Quick Hits 57 – HIV Diagnosis, Failed Paradigm of STEMI Criteria, Poisoned Patient Airway Management, Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis, DIY Investments

In this month's EM Quick Hits podcast: Megan Landes on the importance of diagnosing HIV in the ED, Jesse McLaren on the failed paradigm of STEMI criteria and ECG tips to identify acute coronary occlusion, Anand Swaminathan on evidence for non-invasive airway management in the poisoned patient, Brit Long and Hans Rosenberg on the identification, workup and management of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, Matt Poyner on the most lucrative side-gig, DIY investing. To support EM Cases, please consider a donation here:

ECG Cases 50 – STEMI: A Failed Paradigm, Enter Occlusion MI

Dr. Jesse McLaren illustrates the paradigm shift from STEMI to Occlusion MI (OMI) through 9 cases, and drives home the points that if there is STEMI criteria, consider false positives (eg. secondary and proportional to LVH or BER); if there is no STEMI criteria, consider false negatives and look for other signs of occlusion (eg. acute Q waves or loss of R waves, hyperacute T waves, or reciprocal STD/TWI) and if the ECG is nondiagnostic, consider other OMI signs including clinical (refractory ischemia, hemodynamic/electrical instability) and POCUS (new regional wall motion abnormalities).

ECG Cases 49 – ECG and POCUS for Dyspnea and Chest Pain

In this ECG Cases blog, Jesse McLaren and Rajiv Thavanathan explore how ECG and POCUS complement each other for patients presenting to the emergency department with shortness of breath or chest pain. They explain complementary diagnostic insights into pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade, occlusion MI and RV strain...

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