Ep 198 Understanding and Improving Culture in Emergency Medicine: Key Insights

In this EM Cases podcast Anton chats with Dr. Peter Brindley and Dr. Leon Byker who have a deep interest in the Culture of Medicine to explore what culture in medicine is, why culture is so important, and then drive home 10 strategies to improving the culture in our departments emphasizing the importance of human connection, empathy, open communication, and a willingness to learn from mistakes in creating a positive and fulfilling work environment, so that we love our work, we love our department, we love taking care of our patients and our patients have better outcomes... Support EM Cases and Free Open Access Medical Education by making a donation now: https://emergencymedicinecases.com/donation/

EMU 365 Physician Burnout with Peter Brindley

Dr. Brindley explores ways in which physicians can find happiness and meaning in their work. A simple act of showing gratitude is just one of the tools in his toolbox for how to reduce burnout and promote resiliency...

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