North York General’s emergency medicine update conference highlights

Compassionate Care to Improve Patient Outcomes and Your Career from EMU 2024

As a profession, we suck at compassion as it is trained out of us through medical school and beyond. Compassion in not simply innate; like any behaviour, it can be learned through deliberate practice. There is evidence that compassion may improve morbidity and/or mortality in patients after trauma, cardiac events, cancer, diabetes, back pain, migraine headache and other conditions, prevent physician burnout and reduces rates of medical error, reduce the rates of patient complaints and litigation, and improve physician efficiency and resource utilization by reducing non-essential test ordering. A cultural shift emphasizing the importance of compassion in patient care needs to occur to improve outcomes of our patients and our job satisfaction; as such, compassion should be part of our training and CME...

EMU365 Amal Mattu on Killer ECGs and Pericardial Effusions

This EMU365 video features EM cardiology guru Dr. Amal Mattu on killer ECGs associated with pericardial effusions. He eloquently explains the utility of electrical alternans, specific lead and voltage criteria required to make the diagnosis of low voltage and more...

EMU 365 Physician Burnout with Peter Brindley

Dr. Brindley explores ways in which physicians can find happiness and meaning in their work. A simple act of showing gratitude is just one of the tools in his toolbox for how to reduce burnout and promote resiliency...

EMU 365 Upper GI Bleed with Walter Himmel

Walter Himmel takes us through the resuscitation of a sick patient with an UGIB and the management priorities including blood products, antibiotics, TXA, octreotide, pantoprazole and endoscopy in this EMU 365 video...

EMU 365 Pediatric Elbow Nightmares with Arun Sayal

This is the 2nd instalment of The Emergency Medicine Update Conference's recently launched EMU 365 video series. In this EMU 65 video, Dr. Arun Sayal, an emergency physician who runs a weekly minor fracture clinic at NYGH discusses his approach to pediatric elbow injuries, the importance of good lateral images, common and uncommon missed elbow injuries and clinically important epicondylar fractures that can mimic normal ossification centers and more...

Ep 110 Airway Pitfalls – Live from EMU 2018

The last decade has seen a torrent of literature and expert opinion on emergency airway management. It is challenging to integrate all this new information into a seamless flow when faced with a challenging airway situation. In this live podcast recorded at North York General's Emergency Medicine Update Conference 2018, Scott Weingart and Anton Helman put together the latest in emergency airway management by outlining  6 common airway pitfalls: Failure to prepare for failure, failure to position the patient properly, failure to optimize oxygenation, failure to optimize hemodynamics, failure to consider an awake intubation and failure to prepare for a cricothyrotomy...

Episode 99 Highlights from EMU 2017

North York General Hospital's 30th Annual Emergency Medicine Update (EMU) Conference 2017 featured some of the best talks I've ever heard from the likes of Sara Gray, Amal Mattu, David Carr and many more. I had a hard time choosing which talks to feature on this EM Cases podcast. I settled on a potpourri of clinical topics and practice tips: Leeor Sommer on Lyme disease, Chris Hicks on signover, Matt Poyner on patient complaints and Walter Himmel on acute vestibular syndrome...

Episode 97 EM Literature Review 2016 from EMU & Whistler Conferences

Quick and insightful reviews of 17 important adult and pediatric emergency medicine studies from 2016: The PROCAMIO study for stable VT, platelets for head bleeds (PATCH), BP lowering in ICH (ATACH II), antibiotics for abscesses, work up of subarachnoid hemorrhage, dosing IV ketorolac, the PESIT trial, ketamine dosage for sedation in pediatrics, instructions after minor head injury, Salter-Harris I fractures of the lateral malleolus, interpreting oxygen saturation for disposition making in children with bronchiolitis, clinical pathways in pediatric asthma and sepsis and more...

Episode 96 Beyond ACLS Cardiac Arrest – Live from EMU Conference 2017

This is the first ever video podcast on EM Cases with Jordan Chenkin from EMU Conference 2017 discussing how to optimize three aspects of cardiac arrest care: persistent ventricular fibrillation, optimizing pulse checks and PEA arrest, with code team videos contrasting the ACLS approach to an optimized approach...

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