ECG Cases 54 The Art of Occlusion MI: Scale and Proportionality
On this month's ECG Cases, Dr. Jesse McLaren explains how STEMI criteria can be false positive with large scale QRS and proportional ST elevation, or false negative with low/normal scale QRS and disproportionate ST elevation and hyperacute T waves, and that rules for subtle occlusion using proportionality can help differentiate LBBB with or without Occlusion MI, or LV aneurysm vs anterior STEMI with Q waves... Please consider a donation to EM Cases to ensure continued Free Open Access Medical Education here:
EM Quick Hits 62 Optimizing RSI Medication Timing, ED Boarding of Older Patients, Prolonged Tourniquet Use, Rural Peer Support Programs, ECG Reciprocal Changes, Nutrition Tips for Shift Workers
On this month's EM Quick Hits podcast: Anand Swaminathan on optimizing RSI medication timing, Brittany Ellis on ED boarding challenges in older patients and solutions to ED crowding and flow, Dave Jerome on managing prolonged tourniquet application, Nour Khatib and Phil Gillick on a rural peer support case, Jesse McLaren on ECG reciprocal changes in acute coronary occlusion, and Melody Ng on practical nutrition tips for shift workers...
EM Quick Hits 61 TEE in Cardiac Arrest, Nebulized Ketamine, Cellulitis Update, SQ Insulin for DKA, Medicolegal DDx Documentation Tips
On this month's EM Quick Hits podcast: Ross Prager on TEE in cardiac arrest, Justin Morgenstern on nebulized ketamine for analgesia in the ED, Hans Rosenberg & Krishin Yadav on standardizing cellulitis management, Mathew McArther on latest studies on subcutaneous insulin protocols in DKA, Jennifer C. Tang on documenting differential diagnoses medicolegal tips...
ECG Cases 53 – The Art of Occlusion MI, part 1: Mirror Image
In this month's ECG Cases Jesse McLaren takes us through 6 cases highlighting important mirror concepts in ECG interpretation including: which leads are reciprocal to each other, how to identify which is the main ST/T change and which is the mirror, reciprocal changes highlighting subtle inferior, lateral and posterior OMI, ST elevation in aVR as a mirror to widespread ST depression and more...
EM Quick Hits 60 Post-Tonsillectomy Hemorrhage, Post-CABG Infections, Bougie Tips, Pelvic Fracture Bleeds, Debriefing: Why, When & How
On this month's EM Quick Hits podcast: Kevin Wasko on post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage management, Brit Long on assessment and management of post-CABG surgical incision infections, Anand Swaminathan on evidence, pitfalls and tips on using Bougies, Leah Flannigan on when to suspect vascular injury in patients with low energy mechanism pelvic fractures, Andrew Petrosoniak on debriefing after cases: why, when and how... Do you learn a lot from EM Cases? Please consider a donation to ensure EM Cases continues to provide you high quality Free Open Access Medical Education here:
ECG Cases 52 – ECGs falsely labeled “normal”
In this ECG Cases Dr. Jesse McLaren outlines why not to trust the ECG interpretation, even if normal, because it can miss critical findings. He explores how to independently and systematically interpret every ECG so that when the computer ECG interpretation says "normal" you don't miss key findings... Please consider donating to EM Cases to ensure it stays Free Open Access