EM Cases Best of 2023 Top 10
Based on a blend of number of listens, feedback from listeners, website visits and personal faves, EM Cases Best of 2023 Top 10...
Based on a blend of number of listens, feedback from listeners, website visits and personal faves, EM Cases Best of 2023 Top 10...
In this episode Dr. Don Melady, Canada's leading educator in Geriatric Emergency Medicine (Geri-EM) & Dr. Jaques Lee, one of Canada's leading researchers in Geri-EM, discuss the common yet challenging Geriatric Emergencies: a practical approach to geriatric Delirium, best practice for managing agitation and pain in the older patient, management of recurrent falls, pearls in the assessment of the 'Weak & Dizzy' geriatric patient, atypical presentations of common life threatening emergencies including ACS and surgical abdomen, key drug interactions in the geriatric patient and more..
As a bonus to Episode 34 on Geriatric Emergency Medicine, Dr. Don Melady, one of Canada's leading educators in Geriatric EM, tells us about his Best Case Ever in which a simple fall turns out to be a multi-facited complicated case with a simple solution. In the related Episode 34 on Geriatric Emergency Medicine Dr. Melady and Dr. Jacques Lee cover an approach to geriatric Delirium, managing agitation, indications for CT head in the delirious older person, management of recurrent falls, pearls in the assessment of the 'Weak & Dizzy' geriatric patient, key drug interactions, pain management, atypical ACS and pearls in Geriatric abdominal pain presentations.