EM Cases Best of 2017 Top 10

Based on a blend of the number of podcast downloads, webpage views, social media engagement, number of positive emails and comments that I received, and my own favs, I'm pleased to bring you the EM Cases Best of 2017 Top 10. Many huge thanks to the entire EM Cases team, Advisory Board, SREMI, the amazing guest experts and you, the listeners of the podcasts, readers of the blogs, viewers of the videos and participants in the course, for making 2017 another successful year for EM Cases! And here they are...

Ep 103 Preventing Burnout and Promoting Wellness in Emergency Medicine

Burnout – it’s the elephant in the room that we all know about but prefer not to discuss. Yet according to a 2013 Medscape survey, 40% of physicians reported burnout in U.S. In this episode, Sara Gray and Chris Trevelyan present an honest approach to preventing burnout and promoting wellness, outlining strategies both at the individual and systems levels. They explain why wellness matters, how you can strive to achieve it and how to recognize when you or a colleague are unwell so that you can get the help you need...

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