Ep 196 Pediatric Meningitis Recognition, Workup and Management

In this episode: recognition, risk stratification, decision tools, indications for lumbar puncture in the febrile pediatric patient, tips and trick on performing LPs in children, and ED management of pediatric meningitis. We answer such questions as: what are the test characteristics of the various clinical features of meningitis across various ages? How does one differentiate between meningitis and retropharyngeal abscess on physical exam? How do the Canadian and American guidelines on work up of well-appearing febrile infants compare when to it comes to indications for lumbar puncture? Which patients with suspected meningitis require imaging prior to lumbar puncture? How do we best interpret the various CSF tests to help distinguish between viral and bacterial meningitis? What are the indications and timing of administering dexamethasone in the pediatric patient with suspected meningitis? and many more.... EM Cases is Free Open Access; please consider a donation to help ensure that EM Cases remains Free Open Access on our donation page https://emergencymedicinecases.com/donation/

Ep 173 Febrile Infant – Risk Stratification and Workup

In this main episode podcast on ED risk stratification and workup of the febrile infant, recorded at the CAEP 2022 Conference in Quebec City with Dr. Brett Burstein and Dr. Gary Joubert, we answer such questions as: Which febrile infants require lumbar puncture? How accurate is procalcitonin in identifying low risk febrile infants? What is the difference between serious bacterial infection (SBI) and invasive bacterial infection (IBI) and why is this important in the work up of the febrile infant? How do the PECARN, Step-by-Step and Aronson decision tools for identifying febrile infants at low risk for IBI and SBI? Can EM Cases incorporate all these decision tools and the upcoming Canadian Pediatric Society position statement on febrile infants recommendations into one concise algorithm? and many more...

EM Quick Hits 33 Polytrauma Tips & Tricks, Toxic Megacolon, ECG in PE, Patch Calls, CT Before LP, Nebulized Ketamine

In this month's EM Quick Hits podcast, Anand Swaminathan on tips and tricks in polytrauma, Rohit Mohindra on diagnosis and management of toxic megacolon, Jesse McLaren on ECG in pulmonary embolism, Victoria Myers on approach to the patch call for cardiac arrest, Brit Long on when to do a CT head before LP, Salim Rezaie on nebulized ketamine - the ketaBAN study...

Episode 31: LP, Spontaneous Pneumothorax and Ultrasound Guided Fracture Reduction

In this episode, Dr. Jordan Chenkin & Dr. Jamie Blicker discuss positioning, landmarking, and best technique for lumbar puncture, how to minimize post-LP headache and traumatic taps, as well as when CT head is not required prior to LP. They discuss the indications, contraindications, trouble-shooting and pros and cons of needle aspiration, small bore pleural catheter with Heimlich valve and large bore chest tube for the treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax. Dr. Chenkin presents an intriguing argument for why he uses ultrasound-guided fracture reduction routinely in the ED, and we end with a few tips and tricks using skin adhesive for some unorthodox indications.

Best Case Ever 3: Emergency Headache – Importance of Opening Pressure

In association with Episode 14, 'Headache Pearls & Pitfalls' with Dr. Anil Chopra and Dr. Stella Yiu, we present here, the third of our new 5 minute 'Best Case Ever' series. In Episode 14: Headache Pearls & Pitfalls, which has just been released, Dr. Chopra and Dr. Yiu answer questions like: With the ever improving resolution of CT, should we still be doing LP after negative plain CT head for all our thunderclap headache patients? How can we best minimize the chance of post-LP headache? What evidenced-based treatments can we initiate in the ED for our SAH patients that will improve outcomes? [wpfilebase tag=file id=375 tpl=emc-play /] [wpfilebase tag=file id=374 tpl=emc-mp3 /]

Episode 14 Part 1: Migraine Headache and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

In Part 1 of this episode on Headache Pearls & Pitfalls - Migraine Headache & Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Dr. Anil Chopra and Dr. Stella Yiu discuss the best evidenced-based management of migraine headache in the ED including the use of dexamethasone, dopamine antagonists, the problems with narcotics and the efficacy of 'triptans'. An easy way to remember the worrisome symptoms of headache indicating a serious cause is reviewed followed by a detailed discussion of the pearls, pitfalls and controversies around the work-up of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH) in light of some exciting recent literature, including the basis for a new Canadian decision rule for SAH.

Episode 13 Part 1: Killer Coma Cases – The Found Down Patient

In Part 1 of Killer Coma Cases - The Found Down Pateint, Dr. Helman presents two challenging cases to Dr. Brian Steinhart and Dr. David Carr, who tell us loads of key clinical pearls in their approaches to the 'found down' patient. They discuss the important components of the neurological exam in the comatose patient, the differential diagnosis of altered mental status and hyperthermia, the controversies around when to get a CT head before performing a lumbar puncture, and much more in this Killer Coma Cases episode. In Part 1 of this episode, we discuss the limitations of plain CT, the interpretation of CSF and the many faces of seizures. Any more information would be giving away the cases.....

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