Global EM 7 Global Emergency Medicine Partnerships

In this Global EM post we provide examples of Global EM partnerships and tools for developing these partnerships to foster global solidarity in improving emergency medicine as a specialty and help EM societies not only strengthen their systems but also enhance global health outcomes... Please consider a donation to ensure EM Cases continues to provide you high quality Free Open Access Medical Education here:

EM Quick Hits 53 Postpartum Hemorrhage, Serotonin Syndrome, TBI Herniation Syndromes, Ulcerative Colitis, Pediatric C-Spine Immobilization, Global EM

On this month's EM Quick Hits podcast: Anand Swaminathan on update to ED management of postpartum hemorrhage, Nour Khatib on serotonin syndrome and its mimics, Katie Lin on an approach to recognition and management of severe TBI and brain herniation syndromes, Hans Rosenberg on the ED management of ulcerative colitis, Heather Cary on pediatric c-spine immobilization controversies and techniques, Navpreet Sahsi on the difference between humanitarian and development work... Please support EM Cases with a donation:

Global EM 5 Is it Ethical? 5 Core Principles When Choosing a Global Health Project

Dr. Navpreet Sahsi outlines 5 core ethical principles in choosing and participating a global health project on EM Cases' Global EM blog...

Global EM 4 Climate Change and the Impeding Impact on Emergency Medicine

With increasing forest fires, heat waves, floods, storms, vector-borne illnesses and heat waves, the emergency department is uniquely positioned to declare sentinel events, advocate on behalf of vulnerable populations and lead by example. Dr. Matt Douglas-Vail explains the need for Increased education on climate change and planetary health, Increased resource allocation in emergency departments for climate-related pathologies and increased disaster planning for climate-related emergencies on this month's Global EM blog...

EM Quick Hits 48 – FAST in Pediatric Trauma, Multiple Myeloma, Drowning, AKA, Global EM

In this month's EM Quick Hits: Heather Cary on the use and misuse of abdominal FAST in pediatric trauma, Hans Rosenberg and Arleigh McCurdy on the diagnosis and management of Multiple Myeloma in the ED, David Jerome on practice tips for managing the drowning patient, Brit Long and Michael Gottlieb on the diagnosis and management of Alcohol-Induced Ketoacidosis, Navpreet Sahsi on his journey to becoming a humanitarian and global EM doctor...

Global EM 2: The Emergency Physician – Global Health’s Missing Piece

Dr. Hiren Patel describes the complexities of being a global health practitioner and the skillset that emergency physicians possess giving them the potential to excel in this role on EM Cases' EM GEM blog on Global Emergency Medicine...

By |2023-01-17T08:51:54-05:00January 17th, 2023|Categories: EM Cases, EM GEM, Emergency Medicine|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Global EM 1: Practicing EM in Bangladesh – Build It and They Will Come

Dr. Navpreet Sahsi describes the challenges of building an Emergency Department in Bangladesh and how the experience has shaped his outlook on Emergency Medicine practice in North America on EM Cases' first Global EM blog...

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