EM Quick Hits 58 – HIV PEP and PrEP, PREOXI Trial, Blast Crisis, Nitrous Oxide Poisoning, Vasopressors in Trauma

In this month's EM Quick Hits podcast: Andrew Petrosoniak on the role of vasopressors in the hemorrhaging trauma patient, Megan Landes on providing HIV PEP and PrEP in the ED, Justin Morgenstern & George Kovacs on the PREOXI trial and evidence for pre-oxygenation with NIPPV before intubation in RSI, Brit Long on recognition and management of blast crisis in the ED, and Leah Flanagan & Liam Loughrey on the rise of nitrous oxide toxicity... Help Support EM Cases by Giving a Donation here: https://emergencymedicinecases.com/donation/

EM Quick Hits 3 – Kawasaki Disease, Suturing Dog Bites, BVM in RSI, Anticraving Meds for Alcohol Misuse, ED Violence

On this EM Quick Hits podcast we have Natalie May on Kawasaki disease clues to diagnosis, Justin Morgenstern on suturing dog bites: the evidence, Anand Swaminathan on BVM prior to laryngoscopy, Michelle Klaiman on anticraving medications for alcohol use disorder and special guest Howard Ovens on managing ED violence with compassionate care...

Best Case Ever 62 Penetrating Upper Airway Injury Awake Intubation Do’s & Don’ts

If you were faced with stab wound to the neck and had to act fast, would you have a well-thought out plan that you are comfortable with? In this EM Cases Best Case Ever podcast we discuss the do's and don'ts of penetrating upper airway injury awake intubation with airway expert George Kovacs....

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