ECG Cases 51 – ECGs falsely labeled “normal”

In this ECG Cases Dr. Jesse McLaren outlines why not to trust the ECG interpretation, even if normal, because it can miss critical findings. He explores how to independently and systematically interpret every ECG so that when the computer ECG interpretation says "normal" you don't miss key findings... Please consider donating to EM Cases to ensure it stays Free Open Access

ECG Cases 46 ECG in Fever and Infectious Disease

In this ECG Cases blog Dr. Jesse McLaren guides us through 10 cases, driving home the points that sepsis is a common cause of rapid Afib and diffuse ST depression with reciprocal ST elevation in aVR, myo/pericarditis is a diagnosis of exclusion, endocarditis or lyme carditis can cause AV block, PE can cause low grade fever and ECG signs of acute RV strain and that fever can unmask Brugada syndrome...

EM Quick Hits 43 Pediatric Cannabis Poisoning, Esophageal Perforation, Brugada, Career Transitions in EM

On this month's EM Quick Hits podcast: Best of University of Toronto EM with Yaron Finkelstein on pediatric cannabis poisoning pitfalls, Brit Long on recognition and management of esophageal perforation, Jesse McLaren on 3 questions to diagnose Brugada Syndrome, Tahara Bhate on QI Corner, Constance Leblanc on maintaining wellness in career transitions from CAEP 2022...

Ep 172 Syncope Simplified with David Carr

In this main episode podcast, Dr. David Carr joins Anton to give us his simplified approach to syncope based solely on history, physical and ECG to help guide disposition decisions.  We answer questions such as: What features have the best likelihood ratios to help distinguish syncope from seizure? What key clinical features on history and physical exam can help us distinguish orthostatic and reflex syncope from the more sinister cardiac syncope? What is the best approach to ECG interpretation for the patient who has presents with syncope? Are syncope clinical decision tools any better than physician gestalt? and many more.... Please support EM Cases by giving a donation:

ECG Cases 33 Brugada Syndrome: 3-Step Approach to Diagnosis and Management

Jesse McLaren guides us through 7 cases and explains his 3-step approach to diagnosing and managing Brugada syndrome in this month's ECG Cases blog...

ECG Cases 29 Misdiagnosis from Lead Misplacement, Artifact and Lead Reversal

In this ECG Cases blog we review 10 cases of possible artifact, lead reversal and lead misplacement. Can you spot the abnormalities and avoid the misdiagnosis?...

ECG Cases 17 – ST ELEVATIONS mnemonic and Occlusion MI

In this ECG Cases blog we look at 10 patients who presented with ST elevation, and review the differential diagnosis of ST elevation using the ELEVATIONS mnemonic. Which had occlusion MI?

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