ECG Cases 52 – ECGs falsely labeled “normal”

In this ECG Cases Dr. Jesse McLaren outlines why not to trust the ECG interpretation, even if normal, because it can miss critical findings. He explores how to independently and systematically interpret every ECG so that when the computer ECG interpretation says "normal" you don't miss key findings... Please consider donating to EM Cases to ensure it stays Free Open Access

ECG Cases 40 – Approach to Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD)

Dr. Jesse McLaren on when to consider Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD), which patients are at risk for reocclusion, and the challenges of diagnosing SCAD in patients who have nonischemic ECGs despite silent occlusion, occlusions perfused by collaterals, or from non-occlusive MI on this ECG Cases...

ECG Cases 22: T-wave INVERSION mnemonic

The differential for T-wave INVERSION includes: Incorrect lead placement, No bundle (RBBB, LBBB), Ventricular hypertrophy (LVH, RVH), Embolism, Reciprocal/refractory/reperfused occlusion MI, Sudden death (ARVD), Iatrogenic (digoxin), Obtunded (eg SAH), and Normal variant. Jesse McLaren runs through 10 cases of patients who present to the ED who have T-wave inversions on their ECGs...

EMU365 Amal Mattu on Killer ECGs and Pericardial Effusions

This EMU365 video features EM cardiology guru Dr. Amal Mattu on killer ECGs associated with pericardial effusions. He eloquently explains the utility of electrical alternans, specific lead and voltage criteria required to make the diagnosis of low voltage and more...

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