Ep 193 The Crashing Asthmatic – Recognition and Management of Life Threatening Asthma

In this part 2 of our 2-part podcast on asthma with Dr. Sameer Mal and Dr. Leeor Sommer, we dig into the recognition and management of life-threatening asthma. We answer such questions as: what are the key elements in recognition of threatening asthma? What are the most time-sensitive interventions required to break the vicious cycle of asthma? What are the best options for dosing and administering magnesium sulphate, epinephrine, fentanyl and ketamine in the management of the crashing asthmatic? What is the role of NIPPV in the management of life-threatening asthma? What are the factors we should consider when it comes to indications for endotracheal intubation of the crashing asthmatic? What role do blood gases play in the decision to intubate? What are the most appropriate ventilation strategies in the intubated asthma patient? and many more... Please support EM Cases with a donation: https://emergencymedicinecases.com/donation/

Ep 164 Cardiogenic Shock Simplified

What is the preferred order of vasopressors and ionotropes in the management of cardiogenic shock? In which patients would dobutamine be preferred over milrinone and vice versa? How can we best pick up occult cardiogenic shock before it floured shock kicks in? What are the best strategies to efficiently get the patient in cardiogenic shock to definitive care, whether that be the cath lab or the operating room? What is the evidence for intra-aortic balloon pumps, percutaneous ventricular assist devices and ECMO in the patient with cardiogenic shock? Which patients with acute heart are safe to send home in general? How useful is the Ottawa Heart Failure Risk Score in aiding in disposition decisions?...

Ep 163 Acute Heart Failure ED Management – PoCUS, Oxygenation Strategies, Medication Strategies, PPV HAVoC and SCAPE

In this Part 1 of our two-part series on acute heart failure, Anton is joined by Dr. Tarlan Hedayati and Dr. Bourke Tillman to answer such questions as: how does PoCUS compare with clinical assessment and CXR in diagnostic accuracy for acute heart failure? How do we best integrate PoCUS in the our assessment and management of the patient with acute heart failure? What is PPV HAVoC and how can we use it to optimize acute heart failure management goals? What should be our specific goals of management in the acute heart failure depending on the underlying cause? How does high flow nasal cannula (HFNC) compare to non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) in the management of acute heart failure? How should we interpret the C3PO trial in the context of the world's literature on NIPPV in acute heart failure? How should we dose nitroglycerin to maximize its effects without dumping the blood pressure in patients with SCAPE and those without SCAPE? How should we best time and dose furosemide in the acute heart failure patient with renal insufficiency? Is there any role for morphine or ACEi in the ED management of acute heart failure? What are best anxiolytic medication choices in acute heart failure? Is there any role for second line diuretics in the management of acute heart failure in the ED? and many more...

CritCases 7 Pulmonary Hypertension – A Fine Balance

In this CritCases blog - a collaboration between STARS Air Ambulance Service, Mike Betzner and EM Cases we discuss a challenging case of pulmonary hypertension where a fine balance in volume resuscitation, oxygenation and ventilation is critical.

BEEM Cases 3 – Acute Respiratory Failure: NIPPV & POCUS

Shortness of breath is a very common chief complaint in the emergency department, but despite our familiarity with this symptom, management is not always straightforward. The differential diagnosis is extensive, including the common cardiorespiratory conditions, but extending to toxicologic, hematologic, neuromuscular, metabolic, and psychiatric causes. Over the past decade, we have seen the widespread adoption of new technologies to help us manage these patients. This post will look at some new evidence on two of those technologies: noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) and ultrasound (POCUS). We will answer 3 questions based on 3 systematic reviews using the BEEM critical appraisal framework...

Episode 79 – Management of Acute Pediatric Asthma Exacerbations

In this EM Cases episode on Pediatric Asthma we discuss risk stratification (including the PASS and PRAM scores), indications for CXR, the value of blood gases, MDIs with spacer vs nebulizers for salbutamol and ipatropium bromide, the best way to give corticosteroids, the value of inhaled steroids, the importance of early administration of magnesium sulphate in the sickest kids, and the controversies around the use of ketamine, heliox, high flow nasal cannuala oxygen, NIPPV, epinephrine and IV salbutamol in severe asthma exacerbations. So, with the multinational and extensive experience of Dr. Dennis Scolnik, the clinical fellowship Program Director at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto and Dr. Sanjay Mehta, multiple award winning educator who you might remember from his fantastic work on our Pediatric Orthopedics episode, we'll help you become more comfortable the next time you are faced with a child with asthma who is crashing in your ED...

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