CritCases is a collaboration between Dr. Mike Betzner, medical director of STARS air ambulance service and EM Cases. There are many approaches and therapeutic options in critical care that do not have a strong evidence base to guide us. We use our clinical judgement, gestalt and basic principles to make rapid decisions. This blog explores therapeutic options to various challenging critical care scenarios through an interactive case-based, Q&A framework. The case unfolds in a step-wise manner, as it would in real practice, and integrates opinions from critical care providers, not only from STARS, but from around the world. Each blog includes an open peer review from an expert on the given topic. Welcome to CritCases!
Crit Cases 14 Bronchopleural Fistula Management
Dr. Mike Misch guides us through this part 2 of a blunt chest trauma case with a presumed bronchopulmonary fistula requiring 3 chest tubes and describes options to optimize one-lung ventilation for safe transport...