ECG Cases 52 – ECGs falsely labeled “normal”

In this ECG Cases Dr. Jesse McLaren outlines why not to trust the ECG interpretation, even if normal, because it can miss critical findings. He explores how to independently and systematically interpret every ECG so that when the computer ECG interpretation says "normal" you don't miss key findings... Please consider donating to EM Cases to ensure it stays Free Open Access

EM Quick Hits 38 ACS in Older Patients, Rural Neonatal Resuscitation, Hemophilia, Hiccups, ECG Computer Interpretation

On this month's EM Quick Hits: Christina Shenvi on ACS in older people, Nour Khatib on rural NRP, Jess McLaren on how not to get fooled by ECG computer interpretation, Brit Long on hemophilia recognition and workup, Maria Ivankovic on persistent and intractable hiccups from EM Cases Summit 2021...

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