EM Quick Hits 42 – Subsegmental PE, Trauma Analgesia, Drowning, Polio, Head-up CPR

In this EM Quick Hits podcast: Salim Rezaie on venous thromboembolism recurrence in subsegmental pulmonary embolism, Andrew Petrosoniak on pain management in the polytrauma, Nour Khatib on a rural EM case on management of near-drowning patient, Sara Reid delivers a polio primer, Anand Swaminathan on head-up CPR...

Ep 169 Cardiac Arrest Controversies – Chest Compressions, Dual Defibrillation, Medications and Airway

In this first part of our 2-part series on Cardiac Arrest Controversies Rob Simard, Bourke Tillman, Sara Gray and Scott Weingart discuss with Anton how best to ensure high quality chest compressions, the pros and cons of mechanical CPR, the literature on dual sequential defibrillation and optimizing pad placement, epinephrine vs vasopressin, amiodarone vs lidocaine, when to consider IV calcium and sodium bicarbonate, esmolol, airway considerations, sedation in cardiac arrest, the pros and cons of end-tidal CO2 and more...

EM Quick Hits 23 – Clinical Probability Adjusted D-dimer, ARDS Part 2, Pharyngitis Mimics, Barotrauma, Vertigo, CPR Gender-Based Differences

In this month's EM Quick Hits podcast we have Salim Rezaie on clinical probability adjusted D-dimer for pulmonary embolism, Bourke Tillmann on ARDS for the ED Part 2, Brit Long & Michael Gottlieb on pharyngitis mimics, Justin Hensley on the many faces of barotrauma, Hans Rosenberg & Peter Johns on assessment of continuous vertigo and Justin Morgenstern & Jeannette Wolfe on gender-based differences in CPR...

Neonatal Resuscitation Rapid Review Video Part 2 – Chest Compressions, Epinephrine, Algorithm Pearls and Pitfalls

In this Rapid Reviews Video Dr. Nick Clarridge runs through the NRP algorithm and delivers the nuggets of wisdom on when and how best to perform chest compressions, give epinephrine and pearls and pitfalls of the algorithm...

Ep142 Neonatal Resuscitation – Airway, Temperature Control, Central Access, Hemodynamics, Glucose Control and Transport

Dr. Hilary Whyte, Dr. Jabeen Fayyaz, Dr. Emily MacNeill discuss a neonatal resuscitation algorithm, airway management, fluid resuscitation, central access tips, glucose and temperature control and transport tips...

Episode 93 – PALS Guidelines

I remember when I started practicing emergency medicine a decade and a half ago it seemed that any kid who came to our ED in cardiac arrest died. I know, depressing thought. But, over the past 15 years, survival to discharge from pediatric cardiac arrest has markedly improved, at least for in-hospital arrests. This is probably mostly due to an emphasis on high-quality CPR and advances in post-resuscitation care; nonetheless the more comfortable, knowledgeable and prepared we are for the always scary critically ill pediatric patient, the more likely we will be able to resuscitate them successfully - which is always a huge save.

Best Case Ever 52 – Pediatric Hypothermia Cardiac Arrest

In anticipation of EM Cases Episode 90 on the Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) guidelines with the lead author Dr. Allan DeCaen and Dr. Anthony Crocco, Dr. DeCaen tells his Best Case Ever showing us the value of orchestrated team work and a great example of the saying, "they're not dead until they're warm and dead"...

CritCases 5 – Pediatric Drowning and Hypothermia

In this CritCases blog - a collaboration between STARS Air Ambulance Service, Mike Betzner and EM Cases, Dr. Michael Misch discusses the management controversies around a challenging pediatric drowning and hypothermia case, including the nuances of rewarming, oxygenation, CPR or no CPR, the role of ECMO, dosing of epinephrine and more...

Best Case Ever 20: CPR in Trauma

BEST CASE EVER 20: CPR in Trauma?!?! Closed Chest Compressions in Traumatic Arrest?!?! Is CPR ever successful in the trauma patient? Dr. Dave MacKinnon, Trauma Team Leader at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, gives you his Best Case Ever in the cardiac arrest trauma patient. The literature is full of case series of zero survival in trauma patients requiring CPR. For example, this report in CJEM. Normally, we should not be thinking of CPR in traumatic arrests, but instead, ED thoracotomy as Scott Weingart of emcrit describes in his podast 36 - Traumatic Arrest. But just wait until you here Dave's Best Case Ever..........

Episode 12 Part 2: ACLS Guidelines – Atropine, Adenosine & Therapeutic Hypothermia

In Part 2 of this episode on ACLS Guidelines - Atropine, Adenosine & Therapeutic Hypothermia, Dr. Steven Brooks and Dr. Michael Feldman discuss the removal of Atropine from the PEA/Asystole algorithm, the indications and dangers of Adenosine in wide-complex tachycardias, pressors as a bridge to transvenous pacing in unstable bradycardias, and the key elements of post cardiac arrest care including therapeutic hypothermia and PCI. They answer questions such as: In which arrhythmias can Amiodarone cause more harm than good? Is there any role for transcutaneous pacing for asystole? When should Bicarb be given in the arrest situation? In what situations is Atropine contra-indicated or the dosage need to be adjusted? How has the widespread use of therapeutic hypothermia currently effected our ability to prognosticate post-arrest patients? What are the indications for PCI and thrombolysis in the cardiac arrest patient? Should we be using therapeutic hypothermia in the non-Vfib arrest patient? What is the best method for achieving the target temperature for the patient undergoing therapeutic hypothermia? and many more......

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