pediatric emergency medicine

EM Quick Hits 41 – IO Limitations, Missed Ectopic Pregnancy, Bronchiolitis O2 Monitoring, DRE in Cauda Equina Syndrome, Withdrawal of Life Sustaining Care

In this EM Quick Hits podcast: Anand Swaminathan on limitations and practical tips on intraosseus access,Tahara Bhate QI corner on missed ectopic pregnancy, Sarah Reid from EM Cases Summit on oxygen saturation monitoring in bronchiolitis and management of infant gastro-esophageal reflux, Brit Long on the value of rectal exam in diagnosis of cauda equina syndrome, Hans Rosenberg & Ariel Hendin on withdrawal of life-sustaining care in the ED...

EM Quick Hits 38 ACS in Older Patients, Rural Neonatal Resuscitation, Hemophilia, Hiccups, ECG Computer Interpretation

On this month's EM Quick Hits: Christina Shenvi on ACS in older people, Nour Khatib on rural NRP, Jess McLaren on how not to get fooled by ECG computer interpretation, Brit Long on hemophilia recognition and workup, Maria Ivankovic on persistent and intractable hiccups from EM Cases Summit 2021...

EM Quick Hits 34 Carr’s Case, Septic Arthritis vs Transient Synovitis, Managing Tracheostomies, Ethylene Glycol Poisoning, Ketamine for Agitation

In this months EM Quick Hits podcast: The mighty return of Carr's Cases! Sarah Reid on differentiating septic arthritis from transient synovitis in pediatric limp, Anand Swaminathan on managing tracheostomy complications in the ED, Nour Khatib on rural medicine and ethylene glycol poisoning, Justin Morgenstern on RCTs for ketamine in patients with severe agitation...

EM Quick Hits 32 Checkpoint Inhibitors, Adult Epiglotitits, HSP, Heat Stroke, Bell’s Palsy and Leukemia

In this EM Quick Hits: Walter Himmel on new diseases associated with immune checkpoint inhibitors, Leeor Sommer on the evolution of epiglottitis - adult epiglottitis clinical pearls, Sarah Reid on how to pick up HSP, Anand Swaminathan on an approach to management of heat stroke, Justin Morgenstern on the association between pediatric Bell's palsy and leukemia...

EM Quick Hits 30 Scaphoid Fracture, Therapeutic Hypothermia, HEADS-ED, Pelvic Trauma, Kratom, Femoral Lines

In this month's EM Quick Hits podcast: Arun Sayal on the nuances of assessment for scaphoid fractures, Justin Morgenstern on the evidence for therapeutic hypothermia post-arrest and the TTM2 trial, Sarah Reid on HEADS-ED mental health screening tool for children, youth and young adults, Andrew Petrosoniak on pelvic trauma and pelvic binder tips and pitfalls, Michelle Klaiman on what we need to know about Kratom and Anand Swaminathan on why femoral lines are often a great central line choice...

EM Quick Hits 29 Vasopressor Failure, Asplenic Considerations, Bronchiolitis Update, ICD Electrical Storm, Night Shift Tips

In this month's EM Quick Hits podcast: Anand Swaminathan on vasopressor failure, Brit Long and Michael Gottlieb on aspleic considerations, Sarah Reid on a bronchiolitis update and evolving patterns in the COVID era, Hans Rosenberg and Lindsay Cheskes on ICD electrical storm, Justin Morgenstern on night shift tips...

Ep 153 Pediatric Minor Head Injury and Concussion

Recent literature suggests that pediatric patients take longer to recover from mild traumatic brain injury compared to adults, and persistent post-concussive symptoms (PPCS) after 1 month occur in up to 30% of children after minor head injury. These children can and should be identified in the ED based on the PPCS clinical risk score. In this EM Cases main episode podcast "Pediatric Minor Head Injury and Concussion" Dr. Sarah Reid and Dr. Roger Zemek discuss how best to incorporate the PECARN and CRASH2 decision tools into your practice, the role of Fast MRI, how to identify children who are at risk for long term sequelae after a minor head injury and how to manage persistent concussion symptoms when a child returns to the ED after a minor head injury...

EM Quick Hits 25 Cerebral Venous Thrombosis, Diphenhydramine Alternatives, Abdominal Compartment Syndrome, Neonatal Constipation, Intubating Metabolic Acidosis

In this month's EM Quick Hits podcast: Justin Morgenstern on which patients to consider cerebral venous thrombosis in, Maria Ivankovic on diphenhydramine alternatives, Brit Long on abdominal compartment syndrome, Sarah Reid on neonatal "constipation" - when to worry, and Anand Swaminathan on intubating the patient with metabolic acidosis...

Neonatal Resuscitation Rapid Review Video Part 2 – Chest Compressions, Epinephrine, Algorithm Pearls and Pitfalls

In this Rapid Reviews Video Dr. Nick Clarridge runs through the NRP algorithm and delivers the nuggets of wisdom on when and how best to perform chest compressions, give epinephrine and pearls and pitfalls of the algorithm...

Neonatal Resuscitation NRP Rapid Reviews Video

In this Rapid Reviews Video Dr. Nick Clarridge runs through the NRP algorithm and delivers the nuggets of wisdom on how best to prepare for the sick neonate, best monitoring practices and ventilation strategies of the neonate...

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