

Ep 175 Emergency Orthopedics Differential: SCARED OF Mnemonic – When X-rays Lie

In this main episode podcast, Dr. Arun Sayal creator of the CASTED course and Dr. Yatin Chadha a radiologist with a fellowship in MSK radiology, join Anton for Part 1 of 2 podcasts on Emergency Orthopedic Injuries. This episode focuses on a differential diagnosis of MSK injuries that are occult to X-ray with the help of the SCARED OF mnemonic. It ensures we pick up all the “can’t miss” diagnoses that can be easily overlooked when we do not integrate a pointed history and physical exam with the X-ray in front of us. Essentially, we discuss ‘when X-rays lie’ and offer up a variety of clinical pearls and pitfalls in assessing patients in the ED with MSK presentations…

EM Quick Hits 30 Scaphoid Fracture, Therapeutic Hypothermia, HEADS-ED, Pelvic Trauma, Kratom, Femoral Lines

In this month's EM Quick Hits podcast: Arun Sayal on the nuances of assessment for scaphoid fractures, Justin Morgenstern on the evidence for therapeutic hypothermia post-arrest and the TTM2 trial, Sarah Reid on HEADS-ED mental health screening tool for children, youth and young adults, Andrew Petrosoniak on pelvic trauma and pelvic binder tips and pitfalls, Michelle Klaiman on what we need to know about Kratom and Anand Swaminathan on why femoral lines are often a great central line choice...

EM Quick Hits 21 TXA in GI Bleed, Pediatric DKA, POCUS for Shoulder Dislocations, Lisfranc Injuries, Dexamethasone for COVID Pneumonia, Consultation Tips

Salim Rezaie on HALT-IT trial for TXA in unstable GI bleed, Sarah Reid on pediatric DKA update in fluid management and cerebral edema, Hans Rosenberg on POCUS in shoulder dislocations via CJEM, Arun Sayal on Lisfranc injury pearls and pitfalls, Justin Morgenstern on RECOVERY Trial for Dexamethasone in COVID pneumonia, Walter Himmel on getting what you need from consultants...

EM Quick Hits 18 Conservative Management Pneumothorax, Microdosing Buprenorphine, Practical Use of CRITOE, Canadian TIA Score, Pediatric Surviving Sepsis Guidelines, Safety of Peripheral Vasopressors

Justin Morgenstern on watchful waiting for large spontaneous pneumothoraces, Michelle Klaiman on mirco-dosing buprenorphine for opiate use disorder, Arun Sayal on the practical application of CRITOE in pediatric elbow fractures, Jeff Perry on The Canadian TIA Score, Sarah Reid on updated pediatric surviving sepsis guidelines, Salim Rezaie (Best of REBELEM) on safety of vasopressor administration through peripheral IVs...

Ep 136 Occult Shoulder Injuries and Proximal Humerus Fractures

Dr. Arun Sayal and Dr. Dale Dantzer answer questions such as: What should be included in the list of  key occult shoulder injuries that we should have in our back pockets when we are faced with a patient who has injured their shoulder and the x-ray appears normal? Which proximal humerus fractures are likely to require surgical management? Which shoulder injuries require a simple sling vs Velpeau sling vs collar and cuff vs sugar tong splint? When is an ultrasound of the shoulder indicated and how should they be interpreted? What is the best x-ray view to diagnose a sternoclavicular dislocation? What are the surgical indications for clavicle fractures? and many more...

Ep 135 Commonly Missed or Mismanaged Shoulder Injuries – Approach and Glenohumeral Dislocations

Dr. Arun Sayal and Dr. Dale Dantzer answer questions such as: How do we know we have adequate shoulder x-ray views? How can we best remember the differential diagnosis of an orthopedic extremity emergency with a normal x-ray? What is the quickest and best way to test neurologic status of patients with shoulder injuries? Why is axillary view of the shoulder so valuable? What is the biggest myth when it comes to the mechanism of injury for posterior glenohumeral shoulder dislocations? What physical exam maneuvers increase suspicion for posterior glenohumeral dislocation? What are the subtle findings on x-ray we should look for in patients with suspected posterior glenohumeral dislocation? What is the preferred first line reduction technique for posterior shoulder dislocation? What are the most common and consequential pitfalls in the management of anterior shoulder dislocations? and many more...

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